14 de março de 2007

o rumor do dia traz-nos as flores pelas janelas da casa
em breve todas as sombras escutarão o gosto da terra

2 de março de 2007

esquina do tempo (escrita agora)

esquina do tempo
deixado cá por danielsg.
parei neste instante para pensar
onde vou

o que está daquele lado do silêncio
para onde vou puxando as mesmíssimas palavras
de sempre

será que a chuva há-de ser a mesma
ou a tristeza põe-se ai de outro jeito?

1 de março de 2007

às 11 e 11 com rufus wainwright

rufus wainwright
deixado cá por danielsg.
Woke up this morning at 11:11
Woke up this morning and it wasnt in heaven
Those are the reason 'bout
Where I was sleeping but I was alive
I was alive
Woke up this morning at 11:11
John was half-naked and Lulu was crying
Over a baby
That'll never go crazy
But I was alive
And till the end of this world,
We'll all load in a dump truck of human

What else can I do,
What else can I do
Woke up this morning and
Something was burning
Realized that everything really
Does happen in Manhattan
Thoughts were of characters
And afternoons lying with you
And you were alive
Ohh, the hours we are seperate
11:11 is the precious time we wasted
So pack up your bleeding heart
And put away your posies
I don't want to have a drink
Or play ring around the rosie with you
Oh no, no

Ohh, the hours we are seperate
11:11 is the precious time we wasted
So let the blind fight the blind and see,
As the fall take over summer
Bringing the lattice roses
And as winter brings the spring rain
And to the end of this world,
We'll all load in a dump truck of human